Sunday, September 27, 2009

Speaking Technique

Sunday 27th September 2009
Morning Section
Ground floor F-1A
Speaking technique

Guest speaker Mr. Worachai Panyapang

Sunday, August 30, 2009

S.T. Kosol & P.B. Prabha
it has been found that of the time we spend in communication, we spend 45 percent listening, 30 percent speaking, 16 percent reading, and 9 percent writing. that is to say, nearly half the time we give to communication, then, is spent lstening.
Listening is the natural way of language learning. It provides the basis for the other language skills.
Of the four language skills, listening may well be the most difficult to master, simply because it happens impromptu. It is small woonder that listening often seems too formidable a skill for the teacher to cope with.
( comprehension- cum- Production Approach )
" Right. Please close your eyes. Close them gently, sit back, and relax. Now I want you to see something. It looks blue can. The can is wrapped in blue paper. You see a small can wrapped in blue paper. It has a yellow ribbon with a green bow on top. The can is on a table in your living room. You are sitting at the table. You want to open the can. You take of the bow and the ribbon. Now you slowly unwrap the paper. You can hear the paer making a crinkling sound. Now the paper is off the can you open it and you look inside. You see three tennis balls inside the can. You take one of them out and begin to play with it. You are bouncing the ball on the floor.
" Now I want you to come back to where we are. You hear my voice. You are with me now. Okay, open your eyes."
1. Go to the kitchen.
2. Open the rerigerator.
3. Take out a can of beer.
4. Open the can and take a sip of the beer.
5. Go back to te living room and turn on your televison.
6. Sit down in a comfortable chair, watch your T.V., sip up your beer, and doze off........

Monday, August 17, 2009

English English English

Lecturer : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prapart Brudhiprabha

Title: Communicative ( English ) Language Teaching in the Virtual World.

4 skills:-

Reading 9%
Writing 16%
Listening 45%
Speaking 30%

Communicative Language Teaching ><>
Sophon: Are you a fresher? Do you need some help? You look lost!

Supha: Uh-huh, thank you. By the way, my name’s Supha. What’s yours?

Sophon: I’m Sophon. What’s your problem, Khun Supha?
Supha: well, I’m looking for the Department of English. Where is it?
Sophon: Oh, I’m going near there. Do you want to come along/with me?
Supha: Sure thing!
Sophon: What’re you reading/studying?
Supha: I’m majoring in English.
Somphon: There’s English Department. Gook luck!
Supha: Thank you very much indeed, Khun Sophon.
“ Five Commandments” of writing."

1. Write in “ Plain English”.
2. Write in “ Short Sentences and Paragraphs”.
3. Write “ Clearly and Well”.
4. Use your “Punctuation Properly”.
5. Spell your “Words Correctly”.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Guidance lecturer with student's leader group after meeting.....